Popping up in Your Neighborhood!

Hey everyone, we’re excited to let you know about a special event that’s popping up in our neighborhood soon!

We’re bringing together some amazing community resources that are specifically designed to benefit you and your family.  At this event, you’ll have access to free health screenings, including glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure checks.  These screenings can help you stay on top of your health and catch any potential issues before they become bigger problems.

We’re also offering free Narcan education and kit distribution, which is a crucial resource for harm reduction in our community.  This program can help save lives in case of an overdose, and it’s important that everyone knows how to use it.

In addition to these resources, we’ll also have health education programs and information about important community services that you won’t want to miss.

So mark your calendars for the date of the event, and make sure to stop by and take advantage of all the great resources that will be available.  We’re committed to supporting you and your family, and we can’t wait to see you there.

Click below for more information.

Popping Up in Your Neighborhood!