Holiday Calendar

Ashtabula County Health Department Offices

Are Closed all Federal Holidays

Month Date Holiday 2025
January January 1st New Year’s Day 1/1
January Third Monday Martin Luther King, Jr., Day 1/20
February Third Monday President’s Day 2/17
May Last Monday Memorial Day 5/26
June June 19th Juneteenth 6/19
July July 4th Independence Day 7/4
September First Monday Labor Day 9/1
October Second Monday Columbus Day 10/13
November November 11th Veterans Day 11/11
November Fourth Thursday Thanksgiving Day 11/27
November Friday Friday after Thanksgiving 11/28
December December 25th Christmas Day 12/25

If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday is observed the following Monday.

If the holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday is observed the previous Friday.

NOTE:  ACHD offices are closed the Friday after Thanksgiving. Some years we may close a half-day on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.  Please check with us prior to Christmas Eve and New Years Eve if you have a question.